
Low Carbon Learning: Next Gen - Fabric First Construction (R6)

BE-ST have just launched a new online learning module to help young people better understand how alterations to existing buildings can save energy and money.
Pitched at 13–24-year-olds but useful to anyone who wants to better understand ‘fabric first principles.’ It will be of particular interest those Interested in construction careers or reducing our impact on the plant.
Clear and simple diagrams will lead you through basic of the adaptions that we can make to our existing houses to meet our net zero 2045 targets and some low-cost ideas for taking fabric first principles into your home today.
  • Monitoring Survey
  • Fabric First Construction
  • Link to Low Carbon Newsletter
  • Low Carbon Construction Bulletin
  • Monitoring Survey (clone)
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever